
Classroom humours

Page history last edited by Prem Phyak 15 years, 11 months ago


Jokes/humours can sometimes be very useful tools for teaching language. They make classes lively and entertaining. Maybe some of these will be useful spice for your class. (Source: Fundoo Times- http://www.fundootimes.com/jokes/teachers.html)



Little Julie was sad and sitting on the back bench. Teacher came in the class, and she found Julie sitting at the back, where she never sat earlier.

Teacher asked, "What is wrong with you Julie?"

Julie said, "Ma'm, you tell me, whether it is right to punish someone for not doing something?"

The teacher thought for a while, and said, "No, of course not."

Little Julie said, "Then, Ma'm, I have not done my homework."



Teacher: Why have you come so late to class?

Darwin: Sir I saw a signboard down the road.

Teacher: That is fine that you saw a signboard down the road, but what does a signboard have to do with your being late?

Darwin: The signboard said, "School Ahead, Go Slow!"



Martha was a Math teacher. She asked her pupils: There is a tiger and three lions walking down in a jungle. It is raining fast. What is my age?

Little Mary stood up and answered: 32 yrs.

Martha: How do you know I am 32?

Little Mary: Simple, my sister is 16 yrs old and she is half mad.


Samantha was teaching arithmetic to her fifth grade students. She gave a problem to solve: "Suppose, there are a dozen sheep and six of them jump over a fence. How many would be left?"

Little Julie: "None,"

Samantha: "None? Julie, you don't know your arithmetic, start studying well."

Julie: "Teacher, you don't know about sheep. When one goes, they all go. It is better if you keep your sheep inside the boundary


Mary thought of teaching her students something about God.

She asked her class, "Where does God live?"

Sam: I think he lives in our bathroom.

Teacher: What? Why do you say that?

Mary: Well, You know Mam, every morning my daddy bangs the bathroom door and says, 'God, are you still in there?'

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