

Page history last edited by Kamal Poudel 15 years, 3 months ago

Welcome to NELTA Choutari



After most of the reading traffic has shifted to blog-based discussion--which is what we wanted--we have decided to make this wiki only a tool for collaboration among editors of the webzine and other active contributors to Nelta projects. So, administrators, please do not add users, or add them judiciously.

We want to do the following things with this wiki:


  • Post rough drafts of the monthly issues of the webzine while we are collaboratively developing the issues, and then archive copies of the final drafts, as backup of the webzine on the blog. 

  • Place links to any collaborative projects among the members of this wiki (for example, the Nelta Journal editorial team's collaboration in developing the CFP, submission guidelines, and reviewers' guidelines).

  • Document any other contributions made by individuals who are members of this wiki.






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