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Saved by Shyam Sharma
on March 8, 2009 at 3:04:49 pm



All teachers have some sorts of experiences and stories which have inspired them to improve teaching or encumbered their professional development. When an intellectual interacts with 10, 20, 50, 100 or more intelligent youngsters everyday, there is a lot going on than first meets the eye i.e. the 'routine' of teaching. Now, if we pause to reflect on a striking incident in the process of that interaction, we will have stories to tell that are as serious and important as we find in the scholarly articles or books. A teacher story may be based on very ordinary everyday classroom activities like trying to get students' attention, or it may be about some serious difference of perception on how to approach teaching a lesson with colleagues. Apparently, insignificant incidents might become the basis for innovative approaches or philosophical ideas of great significance in the field of teacher education--if we take the time to reflect and if we value the experiences.


Aagainst  this backdrop, this issue contains two scholarly articles, one teacher's anecdote and one classroom humor.


Scholarly Articles 



Teacher's anecdote



Classroom humours

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